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Read the Series: Index

by Gordy Grundy, Editor-in-Chief

November 10, 2023

Dear Art Lovers,

It is my great pleasure to announce the debut of our nineteenth magazine, 'Threads: The Textile Arts'. You can find it by: Clicking Here.

Of all art mediums, the textile or fabric arts have been the fastest growing. We all share an innate desire for the touch of fabric, the strength of thread and the solace of handiwork. The recent wave has allowed a spotlight on tapestry, wall hanging sculpture and fabric illustration; the result is an explosion of great art in a fascinating, fast-moving medium.

Threads our magazine will spotlight new artists, new works, exhibitions and innovations.

The invitation is easy. The fabric arts are the most egalitarian, as they only require a needle, thread and some cloth. Utilizing low cost items and found objects, 'Threads' presents a whole new movement for many. Go! Make something!

Recently, I was taking a lonely walk along the endless prairie of the internet highway. I came across a clean, well-lighted place, glowing warm and comforting.

It was Nick Cave's joint, the Red Hand Files. The musician, fine artist and polymath uses this website to communicate directly with his fans.

Cave is quite the guru, a soul-soothing Dear Abby, who provides life-loving advice to sobriety tips to relationship hand-holding to a suggested playlist. He is there and he is listening. His words are solid, practical and loving. His authority comes from a long, hard life, well-lived. Ask your question.

Though existential crises are common here, this is a big one. At Art Report Today, we are struggling. The battle is titanic. When I walked into the Red Hand Files, my internal conflagration ceased and I felt at home, at peace.

Nick Cave is the Man. I found someone, worthy, to whom I can unburdened my soul. I typed my question.

Dear Nick,

As an artist, when do you know a piece is finished? Having faced it many times, it's the great unanswerable question. This one is driving me nuts. It's even made me sick.

I established an arts + culture news platform, before Covid, that is the most comprehensive resource for all things beautiful. The latest arts news, aggregated worldwide, all in one place. Our weekly newsletter hits 21K with a very high open rate.

Given inflation eating budgets, current economic instabilities and a sunken ad market, I have taken the piece as far as I can go.

I'm done. I want to create something new. The platform's been a thankless effort, confused by Covid, and I gotta focus on the personal financials for rent and food survival. The bridge is burning.

But there is the one (important) thing that we did not do. I never demonstrated the mandate, the many methods of presenting the arts in a completely new way. Among other things, we never took the arts platform to the golden goose of TikTok.

I really want to throw down the brush and call the work done. I'm really tired... But, just maybe that missing step could be the key to sustainability.

Nick, as an artist, what would you do?

If he answers, I'll let ya know what it said.


GORDY GRUNDY is a visual artist, arts columnist and Editor-in-Chief of the international Art Report Today.



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Gordy Grundy